JULY 4, 2024
WELL, I’m replacing a huge picture of Miguel’s family here! Today he actually was invited to spend the night by my father, so he slept with me in my room, which still doesn’t really feel like my room given that I’m living out of my dad’s main floor master bedroom because I can’t walk up/down stairs very much. When we woke up there, we took a Snapchat that said “waking up and putting makeup on” in Spanish, since I’d just put on bright blue eyeshadow for Fourth of July. I also wore a criss cross shirt and blue sports bra, which was one of the ones I was inspired to buy by Talia having one of them. Since then, we’ve also inspired my mom to go and buy the same kinda cheap sports bras from Target too! At night, we also decided to go for a light game night, though we reallly only played Blokus and didn’t even get to any card games. Afterwards, Miguel and I played a bit of Rummikub with my dad, who came home around then too! I also had some really fun episodes of vomiting today. We alll ate some dinner together, and mid-meal I stood up and felt nauseous, so I went to my room/ garbage can and did my business. Looking at my notes, I also “told Jodi a thank you” for creating the family tree of my mom’s side of the family, and she said that there was a chance she could make a similar one of those for my dad’s side of the family too!