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07.01.24: Miguel post Mojo, Kevin the trainer with Papa

Updated: Jul 22

JULY 1, 2024


Well, I just went shopping with my dad after attending a blood test with him. I was happy that I was able to introduce him to the lady who ALWAYS takes my blood, who’s named Shirola! I was ALSO able to tell Shirola all about Miguel today! And now, the next thing that I’ve got is my session of personal training at the gym, which is at 1:30-2:30pm. Thinking about what I wrote last month, the photos reminded me that I’ve been developing a very nice relationship with Bernie, my ancient friend. The other thing it makes me think is that I should wear that yellow Sam’s Club shirt again today! I’m already wearing an interesting set of leggings that tragically have no pockets. One thing on my “aquire in the future” list is colorful leggings that actuallly HAVE pockts! I have one pair now, and tbh I could put them on too! Tbh I kinda like the outfit that I wore to Sam’s Club with Miguel last month, Oh, I’m just realizing that when I wear pants with no pockets, THAT is the only time I’ll wear my fanny pack! I just desperately feel like I need to have chapstick acccessible to me! NOW, Miguel and I are literally about to head over to Mojo Coffee for our meetup, and Papa told me I was alright to go even though my blood test showed low numbers because they were still much better than the numbers last time, when I had to get a transfusion! Unfortunate I can’t find my white flannel at the moment either, which came from Miguel! The other thing is that he just found me a beautiful new shirt that says “Xalapa” on it, which is the city that he’s from!!! It also has a red ant, the mascot of his town, which I never knew before! ALSO, I literally just took out the photo of me wearing the yellow shirt I love [last month], and I replaced it with the picture of the new Xalapa shirt that Miguel gave me yesterday! Looking at the photos I didn’t include, I also just remembered that my dad bought me a $1.00 cup of lemonade on the street, from a lemonade stand!

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