JUNE 25. 2024
JUNE 25, 2024: Well, now it’s a “day before yesterday, or “antier” according to Miguel!
I also had a beautiful conversation with Dr. Pollard again, and he told us all about his fanny pack, which was from Cotopaxi, which is a “stratovolcano in Ecuador” according to Google. It’s also the brand of the excellent and very large fanny pack, which I want to buy one of! The things I’m doing for photos are my picture of Dr. Pollard with his fanny pack, and then one of me with Miguel too, who arrived with Papa that day. I’ll write about the drive later...........
Afterward, we got a mildly surprise visit from Dr, Abeykoon, who I high-key credit with saving my life, of course. I also met with some other doctors, including Dr. Pollard, who’s working with the hematology team too, and who I talked to a lot. I learned that he’s from California. He’s a resident on an internal medicine rotation at the moment, and the next day #today, I had a wonderful talk with him too. Another thing I did was I took a medium-length walk with my nurse, Josh, up and down the hallway, which I wouldn’t have normally taken a picture of, but my mom sneaked one in! The only other photo that I have from ayer is a picture of my nighttime meal, which was a very good Greek salad, which had the right fat count since I added a piece of chicken to it! I also definitely had a solid amount of fat I ate last night because I had some angel food cake with the meal as well (top left in the photo)
Well now it’s days later and I’m catching up, I’ve got Miguel in a BeReal that was “LATE bc I was in chemo today!” Dr. Pollard with his fanny pack, and my nighttime meal, with the angel food cake that helped me reach the right fat count! I never wrote about the drive, but it was solidly uneventful, with us sitting in the back while Papa drove us home! When I got home, I went shopping with mom a bit too :D